By Laurie Zuckerman
Becoming Catalysts for Positive Environmental Change Together
If you have ever been interviewed by Ariel Miller or know someone who has, then you know what a magical experience it is. She genuinely understands and is interested in your work and you as a person. She makes you feel comfortable and brings out the best in you and your work.

Ariel at the RI Presidential Office
At the same time, she asks the tough questions in an enlightening way. In her articles, she presents your work in a way that inspires others.

Ariel at the RI Presidential Office
In 2020, Ariel interviewed me about our district’s earth stewardship work. Over the years, I have referenced that article when expanding our work. It helped to change attitudes about the nature of earth stewardship and Rotary. The net effect? ESRAG has 17 members in our district and only one in our neighbouring districts with similar demographics.
Personally, Ariel’s interview and article confirmed that I’m right where I’m supposed to be: working with people like you to create a thriving planet through Rotary. Ariel was a catalyst for our district and me.
Now, multiply that by the number of people that Ariel has interviewed every month over the past five years. Can you even comprehend the number of people and programs that she has encouraged? Can you imagine all her connections and knowledge?
September was Ariel’s last month as editor of ESRAG’s newsletter. Although she will stay with us as a reporter and catalyst for positive environmental change, it is taking a whole team of volunteers plus two contractors to attempt to carry out her duties as editor.
In the end, we all need to be Ariel, the catalyst for Eco-Action, to each other and the world.