Bio-links are wildlife corridors that connect patches of native vegetation. They allow wildlife to move between these patches and increase the size and genetic diversity in the breeding population.
Many Australian native animals have very specific habitat needs such as trees with hollows and specific diets provided by particular plants. It is necessary to study the environment that the selected animals thrive in so that these essential features can be reproduced in the corridors. There are many sources of information that can help provide habitat information
The corridors can be situated on private farmland, in National parks and reserves, coastal strips or in cities. Riparian land near local creeks are also suitable. There is also a great need to protect or build these connected habitats when the often
large areas of land on the fringe of cities are being developed. Special sites are the devastated areas recovering from fires.
The long-term vision is to join these separate corridors as a network of bio-links along the Eastern forests of Australia, Similar projects are planned in other states and could be instituted in many countries.
Activities that are suitable for groups include fencing and planting, seed raising, negotiating with landowners and researching the local plants and animals that need environmental remediation. Groups can also finance the greatly needed research into the environment or participate in citizen science projects.
There are existing organisations that are operating in this sphere. Many have already formed partnerships with organisations who are active, resourceful and knowledgeable in these areas
For more information please see:
The Atlas of Living Australia; Bio-links Victoria; Australian Native Plant Society; Landcare Groups; Local Council Environment Staff and Committees; Many local seed collectors and growers; Tree project; Local Environment Groups; Field Naturalists Club of Victoria; Local Arboretum; Australian Mammal Watch; Local Water Authorities; Victorian Environment Friends Network
Provided by Marie Gerrard
Rotary Club of Southern Mitchell, District 9790