Mina Venkataraman (India)
Rtn. Dr. Meenakshi Venkataraman is an ecologist. She has worked mainly on predator-prey interactions and spread of infectious disease using predator prey dynamics.
After leaving academia, she moved to community engagement and market linkages by training marginal farmers to use buffer crops and other biocontrol methods to offer farm to table services between 2006-2010. She has a keen interest in citizen science and this worked out well when she was Secretary (2015-19) of the Nilgiri Natural History Society. She has authored the first field guide of insects and arachnids in India and is awaiting the publication of her next book on Indian insects. Her current focus is getting Rotarians involved in Project Impact Reporting for environmental projects, so a analytical report of the impact Rotarians have in protecting our environment can be easily presented.
She joined the Rotary Club of Nilgiris West (RID 3202) in 2014, and has served the club as secretary (2017-18) and President (2018-19). She was the Assistant Governor of the Nilgiris Zone (2020-21) and is the District Environmental Chair (RID 3203) for the years 2021-23. She is a TRF Cadre member in Environment.