Michael Terrelonge (Jamaica)
Michael Terrelonge has broad experience and a diverse skill set including post graduate education in chemical engineering and business administration; he has extensive experience in engineering, IT and management in various organizations, a co-founder of the first commercial internet services in Jamaica, he is a consultant specializing in strategic management and business reorganization for private sector entities and Jamaican government ministries including the Ministry of Agriculture, Office of the Cabinet and the Planning Institute of Jamaica which coordinates all external assistance and national planning. He has long experience in agriculture as a farmer and as a leader in community farming organizations. Michael’s history of Rotary service includes being a Past Assistant Governor and other district leadership positions within Rotary District 7020 which spans 10 countries in the Caribbean. He currently serves as his district’s Disaster Preparedness chair helping to prepare and organize responses to disasters in the region.
Mike includes environmental sustainability as a cornerstone in his personal, professional and Rotary endeavors and is an active member of his district’s Environmental Sustainability committee of which he is a former chair.-
His Rotary experiences also include -
President - RC Spanish Town Jamaica 2007-8, District 7020
District Website Coordinator - 2009-10
Rotary Leadership Institute Discussion Leader 2012-present
Assistant Governor - 2014-17
District Conference Committee - 2009-10, 2014-15, 2018-19
District Service Projects & Partnerships -Chair 2017-18
District Disaster Management Committee member 2017-present
District Disaster Preparedness Chair 2018-present
Board Member DNA-RAG
Board Member Rotary Caribbean Partnership 2018-present
Food Plant Solutions RAG member
Presenter at Disaster Management Workshop - RI Convention Toronto 2018
Presenter Disaster Management Workshop - Zone34&34 Leadership Summit 2018, Norfolk VI
Friend of Trees That Feed Foundation (treesthatfeed.org)