by Yavuz Atila, ESRAG Chair-Elect

ESRAG thanks the following Directors for their service and leadership as they complete their terms on the Board:
  • Dr. Yasar Atacik, Türkiye (Chair 2023-24, Director 2018-2024)
  • Joey O’Brien, Canada (Director 2021-2024)
  • Dr. Rick Randolph, USA (Chair 2021-22, Director 2018-2024)
  • Dr. Mina Venkataraman, India (Director 2021-2024)
ESRAG welcomes and congratulates the newly-elected Directors for the 2024-27 term:
  • Caroline DeWitt, Canada
  • Dr. Ludwig Kalthoff, Germany (2nd Term)
  • Carlos Montoya, Mexico (2nd Term)
  • Cinderella Ndlovu, Zimbabwe 
  • Gunilla Östberg, Sweden (2nd Term)
  • Safak Özsoy, Türkiye
  • Alberto Palombo, Brazil
  • Deniz Vural, Türkiye (2nd Term)
  • Doug White, USA

Photo: At the Singapore Convention, ESRAG leaders presented a breakout session on how Rotary could reach net-zero by 2040. The panelists included ESRAG Past Chair Pat Armstrong (not shown), Chair-Elect Yavuz Atila, Rotary International Past President Ian Riseley, Chair Yasar Atacik, and in front, ESRAG Director Ludwig Kalthoff explaining ESRAG’s Every Club Climate Friendly initiative.