By Laurie Zuckerman, ESRAG Communications Chair
ESRAG tackling global challenges
Feeling overwhelmed by the world’s environmental crises? ESRAG is catalyzing worldwide Rotary teamwork to meet the challenge. More than 300 people registered to attend or watch the recordings of the 2024 ESRAG Annual General Meeting: the Climate Roadmap, addressing the crisis with solutions for a thriving planet. Over 200 attended in real time with many staying well after the meeting to join Q&A or join ESRAG’s Open House Meet & Greet Zoom rooms. You can keep the eco-energy going, too. Each five to ten-minute presentation (links below) would be ideal for starting group discussions in clubs or environmental meetings.

Climate Roadmap- ESRAG AGM, 2024
2023-24 ESRAG Chair Dr. Yasar Atacik outlined the stark studies on the climate, biodiversity, and pollution crisis, then pivoted to list what ESRAG leaders are doing to solve this including how they are working with Rotary International at the highest levels. Please listen and share his motivating Introduction to Climate Roadmap.
Did you know that ESRAG is an incubator for eco-action that Rotary clubs can replicate to solve the many environmental crises? 2023-24 Task Force Chair Doug White dazzled us with the Task Forces’ work. Then many, many people joined their Open House Meet & Greet Zoom room for more than 45 minutes of sharing ideas. Please share Doug’s eight-minute Task Force Presentation.
People of Action
The real action happens with ESRAG members leading environmental change in their local clubs and districts. 2023-24 Regional Chapter Chair Malcolm Rooney will amaze the connections and positive change the ESRAG members are making on and for every continent. Please share Malcolm’s eight-minute ESRAG Chapters Presentation.
Eva Patrashkova, ESRAG’s Event Coordinator, showed us how ESRAG is working across our departments to grow awareness, engagement, action, and commitment to eco-action with positive, measurable results! Please share Eva’s five-minute Communications & Project Seminar Presentation.

Climate Roadmap
Did you know that ESRAG has a Climate Roadmap? Did you know that the Climate Roadmap team is building relationships at the highest levels of Rotary leadership to enact systemic climate action throughout Rotary International? This presentation by Geraldine Nicol, Climate Roadmap Team Chair, is like enjoying a cup of eco-hope & vision. Please share Geraldine’s six-minute Climate Roadmap Presentation.
What’s ESRAG’s vision for this year? Yavuz Atila, 2024-25 Chair, welcomes ESRAG’s new Directors, thanks outgoing Directors, and outlines the plan. Please share Yavuz’s eleven-minute Conclusion and Vision Presentation.

Eco-Action ESRAG Poll
Look at the poll Yavuz ran during his presentation. These are projects and programs that ESRAG members pinned. When you feel sad about the state of the world, remember this map. We’re here for each other. You are part of a global movement.