Soil is our common ground; El suelo es nuestro terreno común

Soil is our common ground; El suelo es nuestro terreno común

Common Ground is the sequel to Kiss the Ground, which touched over 1 billion people globally and inspired the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to put $20 billion toward soil health. By fusing journalistic expose’ with deeply personal stories from those...
Building a Green Culture for Rotary

Building a Green Culture for Rotary

Our Journey as the First Eco Cause-Based Club in Africa By Jane Maonga, Founder and Charter Member, Lavington Eco Rotary Club Lavington Eco is building a green culture for Rotary as Africa’s first eco-Rotary Club. I’m writing to share our experience as a road...
Celebrate World Rivers’ Day

Celebrate World Rivers’ Day

Adopt a River for Sustainable Development, World Rivers Day, Day of Action World Rivers Day, Sunday the 24th of September 2023, is an excellent opportunity to mobilize your community to Protect, Restore and Sustain your local river. Conduct a river clean-up, raise...
Saving a River in Nairobi

Saving a River in Nairobi

by Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor The Lavington Eco Rotary Club is teaming up with the residents of an impoverished urban neighborhood to fight the scourge of water pollution in the river they depend on.  This powerful video  illustrates the situation this...
Citizen Science Defends the Baltic

Citizen Science Defends the Baltic

By Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor Through hands-on service and irresistible special events, Finnish Rotarians are expanding the ability of scientists to protect the Baltic Sea.  Their work includes measuring and categorizing marine trash, monitoring blue algae...
Tools to Tackle Plastic Pollution

Tools to Tackle Plastic Pollution

By Karen Kendrick-Hands, JD, ESRAG Partnerships Envoy and Training Coordinator The enormous proliferation of plastic waste has created one of the world’s worst environmental challenges. ESRAG’s Plastic Solutions team is mobilizing multiple forms of online and...