Flourishing Partnership with Trees that Feed Foundation

Flourishing Partnership with Trees that Feed Foundation

By Natasha Norris, Communications and Program Manager, Trees that Feed Foundation When like-minded people join forces, the impossible becomes possible. One Rotarian’s search for a solution to climate change has now impacted thousands of lives in the Caribbean and...
Lebanese Rotarians racing to reforest

Lebanese Rotarians racing to reforest

by Ariel Miller Lebanese Rotarians are racing to qualify for a global grant to plant a cedar forest on dessicated land on the slopes of Mount Lebanon this fall. The project will protect the region’s priceless biodiversity and boost eco-tourism.  Called Arztak Hawytak...
Exotics versus Indigenous Trees

Exotics versus Indigenous Trees

By Najar Nyakio Munyinyi, RC Laikipia Highlanders, Nanyuki, Kenya Biological diversity is essential to human well-being. The more complex and diversified a trophic system is, the healthier the environment, and the higher the quality of air, soil and water. Africa has...
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Workshop Feb. 27 and 28

Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Workshop Feb. 27 and 28

ESRAG is proud to present this webinar on the breakthroughs now possible through Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration. Tony Rinaudo, Principal Climate Action Advisor for World Vision Australia, describes how a barren landscape can be restored by empowering and training...
Saving Forests to Save Ourselves

Saving Forests to Save Ourselves

Here’s the good news: forests managed by Indigenous people in the Amazon region served as life-saving carbon sinks from 2001-21, removing the equivalent of the UK’s annual fossil fuel emissions each year, according to a new study by the World Resources Institute....