Calling all Rotarians and Rotaractors! Are you passionate about making a difference in Rotary’s newest area of focus—the environment? ESRAG (Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group) invites you to participate in the ESRAG Impactful Project Prizes, a platform...
Join Our Team: Part-Time Eco-Action Club Coordinator Assistant for the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group Are you passionate about the environment and want to make a positive impact on the world? Are you gifted working with data and details? Would you...
Are you passionate about the environment and eager to make a positive impact? Would you enjoy collaborating with a dedicated team to: Gather and analyze data on impactful environmental projects? Use this data to inspire and educate others to implement similar...
From ESRAG Members. Consolidated by Laurie Zuckerman At ESRAG, we’re surrounded by passionate and thoughtful individuals who understand that leadership is much more than a title. So, we asked our members: What qualities do you admire most in a leader? The response...
By Laurie Zuckerman Becoming Catalysts for Positive Environmental Change Together If you have ever been interviewed by Ariel Miller or know someone who has, then you know what a magical experience it is. She genuinely understands and is interested in your work and you...
Are you passionate about the environment and want to make a positive impact on the world? Would you enjoy working with our marketing and web team to: Create and carry out global marketing campaigns with measurable results? Support the team’s weekly meeting logistics...