Women launch business Women launch business Location/Club: Rotary Club, Denton, Texas, USA Keywords: Sustainable economies, Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Environmenatal Education Description Sustainable in Every Way: Costa Rican women launch business cherishing Cloud...
OceanCleanX OceanCleanX Location/Club: Melbourne City Rotaract Club Keywords: Beautification, Oceans, Coral reefs, Carbon-neutrality, Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Endangered species Website Link : Website. Description Ludovic Grosjean has been fighting ocean pollution...
Komba Safaris Inspiring Kenyan Children to Respect Nature Komba Safaris Location/Club: Kenya Keywords: Tree planting, Environmental Education Website Link : Website. Description Komba Safaris is a visionary partnership to inspire respect and responsibility for...
Rotary Mission Green Rotary Mission Green Location/Club: Uganda and Tanzania Keywords: Beautification, Tree planting, Water, Sustainable economies, Storm surge, Indigenous peoples, Biodiversity, Agroforestry, Air pollution, Ecosystems, Forests –...
Tree Planting Collaboration Project Tree Planting Collaboration Project Keywords: Beautification, Tree planting, Biodiversity, Air pollution, Ecosystems, Forests – preventing deforestation Project Partners: The Nature Conservancy, Great River Greening, and...