Karen Kendrick-Hands (USA)
I co-founded the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG) because I could combine my passions for Rotary Service and mitigating the climate crisis, and because Rotary needed a place for like-minded Rotarians to collaborate. I believe that the ultimate “Service above Self” is ensuring a stable climate for future generations.
Karen, an attorney, has been a volunteer public interest advocate for cleaner air, mobility and transportation choices, including serving on various local, state and regional advisory bodies, for over 30 years. She has founded advocacy groups, including Transportation Riders United in greater Detroit , assisted non-environmental community and service organizations, including the Junior League, and League of Women Voters to frame and adopt environmental positions, worked with national US groups such as the Clean Air Network, participated in an official international environmental law exchange between the US and former Soviet Union, and created community connections with unlikely partners – finding common interests where none were obvious.
Karen, blessed to have been a RYE student in 1967-68 to Australia, is a past Chair and Communications Direction of ESRAG; Co-founder a member of the RC of Madison, WI, and its Going Green Fellowship Group in District 6250. She is the Leader of the Rotary Action Team within Citizens’ Climate Lobby Community. Most recently Karen had the honor of being Rotary International’s first observer delegate to UNFCCC Climate talks, COP24 in Katowice, Poland, 2018.