Learning Resource
En-ROADS is an online tool developed by MIT and Climate Interactive
that simulates the impact of climate policy changes and helps the user
understand what steps can resolve the global climate challenge.

Climate Interactive’s EnROADS tool
Climate Interactive has developed the EnROADS tool. The EnROADS tool
is wonderful starting point for understanding the sources of emissions,
the impact these emissions have on climate, and what steps can be
taken to reduce emissions and have a positive impact on our climate.
Interested in attending a Climate Interactive EnROADS seminar? Register today.
Workshop Introduction
The Goal of the EnROADS team is educational. The EnROADS workshop leverages the insight of EnROADS to help Rotarians understand what impact different actions have on the reduction of Green House Gas emissions.
Understanding what impact greenhouse gas emissions have on climate is complicated. The En-ROADS tool simplifies this complicated topic using science, economics, and system dynamics modeling. It helps one understand where emissions come from and what steps are available to reduce emissions.

Want to take action with En-Roads?
Register as an individual for a Climate Interactive EnROADS workshop:
Organize a workshop for a group, club or district:
Contact a Rotarian regarding EnROADS Workshops if you have questions: