Plant-Rich Diet

A DELICIOUS Climate Solution

According to Project Drawdown, large-scale adoption of Plant-rich Diets is the SECOND most effective climate solution to keep the global temperature rise to below 2˚C by 2100! A global shift to a diet rich in plant sources and fewer in animal products is crucial in tackling the climate emergency.



Plant-Rich Education

ESRAG’s Plant-Rich Diet Task Force encourages communities to eat more plant foods  – whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and fewer animal products – meat, dairy, eggs, fish and seafood. Talks, workshops, and challenges are regularly organized to spread awareness about the massive environmental and health benefits of plant-rich diets, as well as guidance and support for how to adopt them.

A DELICIOUS Climate Solution

Improve your well-being while also being part of a group of people around the world taking personal action to reverse global warming:

Take a 15-day plant-rich challenge and receive:

  • Recipes
  • Scientific Statistics
  • Video Speaker Series
  • Cooking Workshops
  • Starter Kit

Project Objectives

OUR GOAL: To help communities understand that their individual and
collective dietary choices have the power to dramatically reduce global
heating, large-scale deforestation, species extinction, water depletion, water
pollution, ocean dead zones, and soil degradation, all encapsulated into one
solution: A Plant-Rich Diet. It’s delicious too.


Stay up to date

ESRAG Environment Display

ESRAG Environment Display

Wenatchee Confluence Rotary recently debuted the new D5060 environmental display items at the Wenatchee Earth Fair and Apple Blossom Youth Day in April.

Want to take action with a Plant Rich Diet?

ESRAG invites global Rotary members practicing a Plant-Rich Diet with interest, experience, and passion for planetary and human health to join the taskforce. Requirements:

  • Must be a member of ESRAG
  • Must be a Rotarian/Rotaractor to serve in a leadership position
  • Love People!
  • Attend Task Force meetings once or twice a month
  • Be passionate about being a resource and engage in planning/implementing projects.

We’d love to hear from you.