Balibo Women’s Permaculture

Balibo Women’s Permaculture
Location/Club: Port Melbourne, 9800, Victoria, Australia
Keywords: BIODIVERSITY, FOOD SYSTEMS, Permaculture, Timor Leste
Website Link : Website.
Improving food security and quality education while helping to enable women to generate income in Sub-district of Balibo
We worked alongside Permatil, a Timorese NGO involved in promoting permaculture and sustainable agriculture in Timor Leste
As part of the Belola School Garden Program, Permatil facilitated the establishment of a women’s co-operative (which includes 12 women). That group has grown moringa (a plant ground down into a powder and used as a malnutrition supplement and for health benefits generally) on half a hectare at Belola School which has now been harvested and is ready for sale. Their initial harvest has produced about 13kg which sells for $2.50/ 200gr.