Beuhne Monument Site

Beuhne Monument Site
Location/Club: Southern Mitchell, 9790, Victoria, Australia
Keywords: BIODIVERSITY, Pollination, Beuhne, Bee
I would like to share some information on Frederick Beuhne a very early pioneer of the Victorian/Australian beekeeping industry.
Below is an extract from “Monument Australia” –
“Frederick Richard Beuhne (1859-1933) is known as the father of Victorian beekeeping. Frederick migrated from Germany to Australia in 1880, became involved in beekeeping and established himself at Tooboorac. He was responsible for the establishment of the Victorian Beekeepers Association in 1892. This association was the fore runner of the Victorian Apiarists Association (VAA Inc.) Frederick held a number of different positions in the VAA over many years, including editor for a beekeeping journal which gave rise to the Australian Beekeeping Journal. He was appointed by the government as the first Apiary Inspector, a position he held till 1926 when he retired. During this time, he wrote “Honey Flora of Victoria” which formed the basis of subsequent republications by the department and is still used by many Victorian beekeepers today.”
The Beuhne Cairn is located on the Northern Highway roundabout just north of Kilmore on the way north to Broadford and west to Bendigo. It is still in its original site following the creation of a giant roundabout as part of local safety roadworks.
I have had confirmation from Keep Victoria Beautiful that VicRoads have verbally approved the Adopt a Road Project in conjunction with the Rotary Club Southern Mitchell. We hope to make the area around the Monument bee/pollinator friendly. We are in the early stages and hope to progress in early 2021.There will be working bees for those interested to come along and enjoy the fellowship. Contact me if you would like to be part of this exciting environmental project.