Climate Solutions Workshop
Met with enthusiasm and active engagement.

Host your own Climate Solutions Workshop
Tim Conners – Eden Prairie AM Rotary Club and District 5950 Environment Action Team
Steve Solbrack – Twin Cities Rotary EcoClub and District 5950 Environment Action Team Chair
Website Link : Enroads | Climate Interactive
The Climate Solutions Workshop on January 26 was attended by 85 Rotarians and non-Rotarians from 19 states/provinces and 25 different Rotary clubs. The enthusiasm and active engagement of the participants made it a very productive session.
The workshop leveraged the En-ROADS climate simulation model. The purpose of the model is to help individuals develop an understanding of a suite of solutions that could keep global temperatures from rising. En-ROADS is a transparent, freely available policy simulation model that gives everyone the chance to design their own scenarios to limit future global warming. You can try your own experiments and assumptions and get immediate feedback on the impacts –
One key take-away from the workshop is: “Protecting the Environment” also improves health, equity, and well-being.
Want to set up an En-ROADS workshop in your Club or District? Is there a community group or a group of students you think would benefit from learning about Climate Solutions? Contact Rotarian Tim Conners at [email protected] today.
The workshop was sponsored by the Maple Grove Rotary Club, Twin Cities Rotary EcoClub, Eden Prairie ESRAG, Rotary District 5950 Environment Action Team, and a Group of MIT Alumni.