Donations In Kind West Footscray

Donations In Kind West Footscray
Australia wide program
Location/Club: Club Name, District, State, Country
Keywords: CIRCULAR ECONOMY, Recycling
Rotary Donations In Kind West Footscray recycling and repurposing store. It gathers donations of surplus new and reusable commercial items an makes them available for Rotary Projects. It provides management support for Club projects with a particular emphasis on helping them with their overseas projects.
In the last 19 years, DIK has shipped 578 containers of equipment and supplies containing goods worth $58 million to 32 countries, with a strong emphasis on items that improve education, medical and maternal care. We also support disadvantaged area.
Much of the surplus reusable medical and educational equipment and supplies in process would become landfill if the DIK Stores did not exist.
We promote recycling commercial recycling opportunities. We identify recipients for the donations available. We collect, sort and pack the goods and arrange overseas shipments.
Recycling reusable goods.
- Most of the goods recycled would become landfill with or operation
- Run by volunteers there is no wage bill with significantly lowers the operating cost.
- We provide a trustworthy recycling option for businesses
Project More Info
Rotary Donations in Kind West Footcray is a volunteer-based recycling facility , part of Rotary’s Donations in Kind Network, a project of Rotary Australia World Community Service, (RAWCS.) DIK collects and redistributes goods, principally donated by companies, hospitals and educational institutions. The goods it distributes are destined for developing countries and to disadvantaged individuals in the local community. They are distributed through Rotary club projects and the wider NGO network.
All staff in the Store are volunteers, both Rotarians and others. They donate their time to help Rotary clubs with their international service and local community projects.
How is the West Footscray Store funded?
The annual cost of operations is $150,000+, mainly for rent and warehouse overhead. While this expense is a significant sum, it represents just 1.6% of turnover. The majority of support comes from Rotary clubs with a small contribution from other charitable organisations who use the store.
DIK increasingly relies on donor organisations that provide the goods to become partners and to contribute some of the funds that they are saving in disposal costs, (e.g. transport and waste charges,) towards transportation costs.
Rotary Donations in Kind is a registered charity with Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission, (ACNC.) Donations to DIK Inc. are tax deducible
01 July 2016
October 2020
Volunteers: 200
Volunteer Hours: 10,000 p.a.
Laurie Fisher, Store Manager, Bob Glindemann and David Dippie. Use website to contact.
Around 40-50 Clubs involved that help to collect goods, provide volunteer labour and help to fund the store.
They will be listed under a separate project. DIK West Footscray supporters with a website element they can cut and paste.
The project can operate in developed countries where surplus reusable material is available, in locations that are close to international transport hubs
Volunteers welcome at the store on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Back-up volunteers as required to help load or collect goods for specific projects
All Clubs to inspect potential donations in their area and to coordinate collection
Assistance required to help with the rent and running costs $160,000pa
Funding to help ship containers.