Kew Fair Trade and Gift Shop

Kew Fair Trade and Gift Shop
Location/Club: Kew, 9800, Victoria, Australia
Keywords: Circular economy, Op Shops, Fair Trade, Timor Leste
Rotary Opportunity Shops are different, there is no wage bill as they are run by volunteers and all of the profit raised is used to support Rotary projects. They blend recycling, repurposing and helping others.
The Rotary Club of Kew has established a Sustainability Enterprise by way of a Fair Trade Shop located at 650 High Street Kew East. The aim is to support both DIK, the Donations in Kind store which recycles equipment and goods and sends useful items overseas and to disadvantaged communities in Australia and to also support Camcare, while continuing to support Rotary Fair Trade enterprises in East Timor, Nepal and Laos.
Please drop by to see what’s on offer as every purchase will help someone less fortunate than ourselves. We are also looking for support in many and varied ways, including donations of books, quality bric a brac, recycled paper bags and for carry bags, new goods from businesses.
We are also looking for volunteers to man the Shop on a regular basis so, again, please drop in to the Shop and let us know if you would like to contribute toward this worthy enterprise. Shifts from Monday to Saturdays start from 9.45am to 1.15pm and afternoons are 1.00pm until 4.30pm. Tasks will vary depending on your interests and skills, and range from pricing and sorting books and stock, to shop and business management.