Rotary Mission Green

Rotary Mission Green
Location/Club: Uganda and Tanzania
Keywords: Beautification, Tree planting, Water, Sustainable economies, Storm surge, Indigenous peoples, Biodiversity, Agroforestry, Air pollution, Ecosystems, Forests – preventing deforestation, Flooding, Environmenatal Education, Endangered species
Website Link : Website.
Rotary Mission Green is the name PDG Governor Kenneth Mugisha gives an inspiring campaign to plant 5 million trees a year over the five years (2017-2022) in Uganda and Tanzania.
The program focuses on tree growing alongside tangible benefits provided through clean energy technologies (institutional stoves) that redefine biomass energy consumption trends. They believe that every person can plant a tree, and trees, as well as inspire more people to do the same. Their target is to plant and nurture (grow) three million trees in the short term (12 months), 20 million trees over 5 years, and make tree growing a proud habit within Uganda and District 9211. Their idea will therefore be a catalyst for Uganda’s committed green growth and to some way to meeting the global Sustainable Development Goals.
Visit the Rotary Mission Green website for more photos, news items, and the amazing list of Rotary and Rotaract clubs that are contributing to this on-going initiative!
The Speaker of Parliament with the Commissioner General of Uganda Prisons, Ministry officials, DG Ken and Rotarians at the launch of Rotary Mission Green.
DG Ken Mugisha has mobilized Rotary Clubs throughout District 9211 to partner with local and national governments, schools, prisons, and the media. He has developed partnerships and is using Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) to integrate tree planting to support sustainable economic productivity, health and education.
For example, Mission Green has initiated the following partnerships:
- MOU with Ministry of Water and Environment in Uganda to supply 1 million seedlings every year for 5 years and to provide technical support to clubs at the regional level.
- MOU with Uganda Prisons to provide labour in planting and maintaining the trees. The prisoners are paid a fee (which they use to take care of their families even when in prison). 252 Prisons in Uganda.
- MOU with the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces to plant trees across the country on TareheSita (Army Day)
- Community Engagement in the planting and growing at a small cost. Religious and cultural leaders engaged to mobilize their communities to plant trees.
- The Rotary clubs around Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania are set to afforest Mt. Kilimanjaro with 1.5 Million trees by the 22nd of April 2018
- The Partnership with the Ministry of Education and Sports aims that the 9 million pupils in primary and secondary schools each plant a tree. With a 30% success rate, this could result in the planting of about 13 million trees in the 5 years
- The Prisons will plant trees around the boundaries of all 250 prisons, and this will result in the planting of 1 million trees. In addition, they will plant wood lots such that within 5 years, they will be using firewood from their lots and stop encroaching on natural forests.
- Corporations coming in to plant trees as part of their social responsibility. For example Uganda Breweries is to work with Rotary Uganda to carry out restoration in depleted forests around Lake Victoria.
- Preparation of a multi-club Global Grant to support the installation of energy efficient cooking technologies in large institutions.
Click here to read more about the Mission Green project.
PDG Mugisha is getting the word out and making a difference in the world.
Below are a number of photos from this inspiring project.
Please check ESRAG’s YouTube channel to see his videos.