Trees for the Clark Street Beach Bird Sanctuary

Trees for the Clark Street Beach Bird Sanctuary
Location/Club: Clark Street Beach Bird Sanctuary, Evanston, Illionois, USA
Keywords:Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Endangered species, Tree planting, Carbon-neutrality, Air pollution, Beautification
Facebook Link : Website.
Project Partners:Rotary International Staff Society, Evanston North Shore Bird Club, the City of Evanston
Rotary International’s Green Committee, comprised of staff volunteers, held a fundraiser for Rotary staff to contribute to the purchase of trees as part of the 1.2 Million Tree Challenge. They partnered with the Evanston North Shore Bird Club and the City of Evanston to identify an appropriate habitat in need of trees and where the newly planted trees would be well-cared for.
The Clark Street Beach Bird Sanctuary was identified as a prime location because the habitat is fairly new, in need of trees, and the Bird Club is the designated volunteer stewards of the sanctuary.
In four weeks we raised just over US$ 1,200. The contributions have been used to purchase four Bur Oaks (Quercus Macrocarpa) and four Jack Pines (Pinus Banksoniana). These native species have been selected for the multiple benefits they provide to this particular ecosystem and because they offer shelter and food for the insects, birds and other animals that live in and visit the sanctuary. This sanctuary is particularly important for migratory birds that fly up and down the Mississippi flyway and use the shores of Lake Michigan as stopping points where they can rest and refuel on their long journeys. Prime habitat has been destroyed, so restoration of habitat, with appropriate foliage that will harbor insects and other food sources as well as provide shelter, is very important for local and migratory bird species.
For the tree-planting celebration, RI President Ian Riseley was present as was Rotary’s General Secretary, John Hewko, the Mayor of Evanston, Steve Hagerty, and the 7th Ward Alderwoman, Eleanor Revelle. The sanctuary is located in her ward. There were about 50 people in attendance.
It was a great collaboration between Rotary, the City of Evanston and the Bird Club.
Date: October 16, 2017
# of Trees Planted: 8
Funds Raised: $1,200 +