Learning Resource
The Rotary Climate Action Team (RCAT) Network offers Rotary clubs a resource to:
1) foster Action Teams; 2) educate Rotarians about the crisis; 3) share projects and contacts; and
4) link to multiple resources across Rotary and with Rotary partners.

Rotary Climate Action Team Network
RCAT offers a variety of services/projects we work on, including:
1) Educational speakers who are ready to present, as Rotary Club programs,
talks on many aspects of the climate crisis, including solutions (in person or via Zoom);
2) Educational forums;
3) Sample climate related projects that clubs are doing.
Featured Presentation
Rotary Climate Action Team (RCAT) Network recognizes that climate change is an unprecedented challenge to humankind. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the hotter our planet will become. The impacts of the climate crisis will affect the world’s most vulnerable first and hardest, putting Rotary’s good work in the world at risk. We know ACTION must be taken now to prevent further damage.
Having a safe, stable environment will be necessary for Rotary to continue to make progress in across all identified Areas of Focus:
1) Promoting peace;
2) Fighting disease;
3) Clean water, sanitation and hygiene;
4) Saving mothers and children;
5) Supporting education;
6) Growing local economies;
7) Protecting the environment.
Many years ago, an individual Rotary club saw a need and took action to begin the eradication of polio, and a movement began. The same grassroots effort will be necessary to begin to tackle the climate crisis. We believe that Rotary is well suited to take on this effort because it has the presence and organizational structure to be able to work at a local and global level.
Rotary International has recognized the threats to our environment with this seventh area of focus, Protecting the Environment! The reality is that none of the others areas of focus can exist in a world where we do not protect our environment. The associated Policy Statement is extensive and aggressive. This new area powerfully supports the work of our partner, the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG), as they address the broad topic of environmental protection while RCAT works to support the creation of climate Action Teams at the club level. Please review the September 2020 RI Policy Statement to fully understand the challenge to all Rotarians to take action.
The Rotary Climate Action Team (RCAT) Network offers Rotary clubs a resource to:
1) foster Action Teams;
2) educate Rotarians about the crisis;
3) share projects and contacts;
4) link to multiple resources across Rotary and with Rotary partners.

Want to take action with RCAT?
Is climate action one of your clubs top priorities? Explore our resources and learn about how and why your club should start a Rotary Climate Action Team.