Rotary Solar Leaders Prizes

The Rotary Solar Leaders Prize is designed to support Rotary Members in implementing solar energy projects prioritizing underserved communities.


$1000 prizes for Rotary Solar projects

ESRAG is offering $1000 USD support towards solar energy projects. Underserved community projects will be prioritzied.


Eligibility Criteria

  1. Rotary Membership:
    • Applicants must be active Rotary Members.
    • Membership in the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) is required.
  2. Prize Application:
    • Rotary Club must be approved by RI to receive district or global grant funds.
    • Applicants must have a draft or pending application for a Rotary District Grant or a Global Grant or a CSR grant. If a Rotary Grant has already been approved applicants must show how the prize money will be used to deploy additional solar panels.  
    • A copy of a Rotary grant application must be included with the prize application.
  3. Project Focus:
    • Projects must involve the installation or expansion of solar energy systems designed to benefit underserved communities.
  4. Budget Requirements:
    • A detailed budget and comprehensive plan for the maintenance of the system over time, ensuring its sustainability.
  5. Alignment with Rotary Values:
    • Projects should meet the 4 way test


Apply for $1000


Application Requirements

Applicants must provide the following:

  1. Completed Application Form:
    • Personal and club details, including Rotary membership ID.
    • Copy of a Rotary District or Global Grant application. 
    • If global or district grant has been approved but money is needed to deploy additional solar panels then a detailed explanation is required
  2. Project Proposal:
    • Description of the project,
    • Details of the solar system (type, capacity, and projected output) including the output of the solar system (e.g., kW or kWh capacity and expected performance metrics).
    • Explanation of how the project will address the needs of the underserved and how many people will be impacted.
  3. Budget and Maintenance Plan:
    • Detailed budget with cost breakdown, including installation and ongoing maintenance.
    • Plans for maintaining and sustaining the system, including community involvement if applicable.
  4. Grant Application Submission:
    • A copy of the submitted Rotary District or Global Grant application.
  5. Impact Metrics:
    •  Amount of carbon offset
  6. Endorsement:
    • A letter of support from the applicant’s Rotary club president or district governor.
Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the following:

    1. Impact on Underserved Communities (30%)
      • Degree to which the project will address the energy needs of underserved populations.
    2. Sustainability (35%)
      • Maintenance plan to ensure long-term system functionality.
      • Community involvement in project execution and upkeep.
    3. Alignment with Rotary Goals (10%)
      • Consistency with Rotary’s mission and the 7th areas of focus.
  • Innovation and Scalability (15%)
    • Use of innovative approaches or technologies in the project.
    • Potential for the project to be scaled or replicated in other communities.
  1. Budget and Grant Application Quality (10%)
Award Disbursement
  • Prize money of $1,000 will be awarded to successful applicants after verification of all application details.
  • MSPC committee will review applications and make the final prize winner determination 
  • Funds must be used exclusively for the approved project and specifically solar installation..
  • Award money will be disbursed once we receive notifications from you that the grant has been approved by your district or by Rotary International.
  • Winning projects will be featured on the ESRAG website
Submission Instructions
  • Applications must be submitted via the designated ESRAG platform by the stated deadline.
  • Incomplete applications or those missing required documents will not be considered.
  • Follow up documentation demonstrating appropriate use of funds will be required

Apply for $1000

Need support for a solar project in an underserved community?