by Karen Kendrick-Hands, ESRAG Co-Founder We’re delighted to report that there will be many opportunities to learn and network about environmental projects at the 2024 Rotary International Convention in Singapore May 23–29. Use this guide and check for updates...
by Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor “I have a dream on how Rotary can achieve impact and together we can change the future of third world countries. Can we talk next week and hopefully change lives?” Clayton Lee, Sacramento Rotary’s International Service Chair,...
By Ambaree Majumdar, ESRAG Southeast Asia Chapter Chair Hara Bhara Kebab is a green delicacy usually cooked with dairy but this recipe is a plant-based version. Whether you’re preparing for an Indian festival or for Thanksgiving in the United States, try this...
By Ambaree Majumdar, 2023-24 President, RC Marina City, Singapore On July 22, 2023, our Singapore Club held a climate-friendly installation for our new officers. Here’s how we did it, and how our members responded to this teachable moment. 1. Climate-Friendly because...