We’ll help your club become climate-friendly

We’ll help your club become climate-friendly

By Dr. Michael Koch, ESRAG Europe Co-Chair Rotary is successfully acting to make the world a better place. But all Rotarian activities also cause emissions and contribute to climate change. Just think of all the people travelling to the RICON in Melbourne. We do not...

Singapore Club’s Climate-Friendly Installation

By Ambaree Majumdar, 2023-24 President, RC Marina City, Singapore On July 22, 2023, our Singapore Club held a climate-friendly installation for our new officers.  Here’s how we did it, and how our members responded to this teachable moment. 1. Climate-Friendly because...

Every Club Climate Friendly

ESRAG INITIATIVE Every Club Climate Friendly Together, let’s turn down the heat. Become a climate friendly and carbon neutral club now. EVERY CLUB Why become climate friendly? As pollution levels rise and the world becomes warmer, storms and droughts become...
Rotary as a voice of health in the dangerous climate change malady

Rotary as a voice of health in the dangerous climate change malady

by Marija Jevtic, MD, PhD, Rotary District 2483 Climate Ambassador If our planet Earth were to be viewed as an organism, it could be said to have become “highly febrile.” Human activities focused on industrial and economic development in the pursuit of material...