By: Joan Gagnon

Plant- Rich Diet Task Force

On September 9, I had the pleasure of speaking to my fellow Foxboro Rotary Club members about something close to my heart: ESRAG, the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group. I joined ESRAG in January 2024, and from our conversation, it was clear that many of us are still getting familiar with this incredible group. While most of us know that the Environment was added to Rotary’s Areas of Focus in 2020, the action group remains a hidden gem!

My journey with ESRAG began when a friend from another district reached out to ensure I saw an article about ESRAG and the Plant-Rich Diet Task Force (PRDTF). I signed up immediately, feeling a strong pull to get involved—and I’ve been actively participating ever since.

During our meeting, I shared insights into ESRAG’s mission, highlighting its various action themes and the dedicated task forces working tirelessly to make a difference. Although I’m passionate about the Plant-Rich Diet Task Force, I wanted everyone to know that many other task forces focus on different environmental aspects. I truly believe that there’s something in ESRAG’s work that could resonate with each of us.

One of the most inspiring parts of being involved in ESRAG is the global community we’ve built. Task force members span the globe, and it’s an honor to represent our small but mighty club on such an expansive stage. 

Attracting the Younger Generation with a Plant-Based Lifestyle

Personally, I’ve been eating a plant-rich, whole-food diet since 2020, and I often hear comments about how healthy I look and how youthful I seem for 70. I’m convinced that leading by example can inspire others, and I’m optimistic about recruiting new members to the PRDTF in the future. As someone who’s been part of my club for 26 years, I know that “a little information at a time” leads to great results in the long run.

At our meeting, I passed around a sign-up sheet for anyone interested in joining ESRAG, and I’m thrilled to share that three members took that first step! My goal is to recruit two more so we can take advantage of the $25 per member challenge. For those considering recruiting at their clubs, I’ve attached the sign-up sheet you can use in your own outreach efforts.

I’ll speak to our Interact students once they get organized this school year. I emphasized to our members that ESRAG and the PRDTF hold special appeal for younger generations, which can be a fantastic way to engage potential new members. At our last meeting, we had a young guest who, judging by her expressions, was clearly impressed by this side of Rotary. I believe this can be a game-changer in connecting with the youth.

Our Club is having a yard sale this Fall, which will complement the “reuse” of materials ESRAG’s Circular Economy Theme

Moving forward, I’ll share one interesting fact about ESRAG at each Rotary meeting. I know the information can feel overwhelming, but our Club loved the idea of digesting it one bit at a time, which feels much more manageable.

And finally, I’ve taken a new step by joining our District Committee for the Environment.

I’m excited to keep growing with ESRAG and look forward to what we can achieve together. Let’s keep the momentum going, one step at a time!

Learn more from the ESRAG Plant-Rich Diet Task Force by visiting our webpage, emailing us at [email protected], liking us on Facebook or Instagram, or taking our 15-Day Plant-Rich Diet Challenge.