Tribute: Mourning MK Sivabal

Tribute: Mourning MK Sivabal

Mourning MK Sivabal by Dr. Mina Venkataraman, ESRAG Chair for Community Action for Fresh Water MK Sivabal, Co-Chair of ESRAG’s South Asia Chapter, died May 24, to the shock and grief of our colleagues.  He was 58. Past President of the Rotary Club of Erode in...
Team Up with Worms to Turn Organic Waste into Treasure

Team Up with Worms to Turn Organic Waste into Treasure

by Alex Arancibia Quintana, DVM, Past President, Rotary Club of Los Angeles, Chile, D 4355 A Low-Cost Solution for Organic Waste Recycling “Feliz como una lumbriz,” or “Happy as an earthworm:” that’s what the Rotary Club of Los Ángeles calls our...
Help lithium-ion battery recycling sweep the US

Help lithium-ion battery recycling sweep the US

by Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor Join the Nationwide Recycling Effort and Boost Sustainability American Clubs have an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the recovery of lithium, cobalt, copper, and nickel from the lithium-ion batteries that consumers...
ESRAG’s Podcasts

ESRAG’s Podcasts

Welcome to the ESRAG Podcast, your go-to source for all things related to the Environment and Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG). Join us as we explore innovative solutions, inspiring stories, and actionable insights from Rotarians and experts dedicated to...