By Dawn A. Byford and Kris Cameron, Co-Chairs of the ESRAG Plant-rich Diet Taskforce “Biological diversity — or biodiversity — is the variety of life on Earth in all its forms, from genes and bacteria to entire ecosystems such as forests or coral reefs. The...
By Deniz Vural, ESRAG Director The Earth’s vast oceans, constituting about 70% of the planet’s surface, contain approximately 97% of its water, with the remaining 3% found in various forms such as glaciers, ice, underground reservoirs, rivers, and lakes....
This Earth Day let’s break a Guinness World Record by participating in the World “Minga” for the water! Is your club or group planning to clean up trash on this next Earth Day weekend? That trash normally washes into rivers, lakes, mangroves and ends up in the...
¡Este día de la Tierra rompamos un Guinness Record la participar en la Minga Mundial por el agua! ¿Su Club está planeando una limpieza el próximo día de la Tierra? La mayoría de esa basura termina en los ríos, lagos, manglares, humedales y finalmente en el océano....
By Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor Rotarians all over the world are inspiring their communities to embrace Operation Pollination. It starts with signing a non-binding Operation Pollination Partnership resolution to work together on two goals: to educate the...
By Catherine Endicott, Judy Maccully, and Sarah Philips, Environmental Rotary Club of the Puget Sound, Washington State, USA Have you ever seen the stars align for a service project? Imagine 100 no-shows and then 100 people showing up unexpectedly, transforming the...