by Ariel Miller Congratulations to the Kenyan students whose environmental projects were honored by worldwide video broadcast on May 10, in CAVU’s 4th Annual Students Climate Innovation Challenge! The Lake Bogoria Girls High School won the Outstanding International...
By Najar Nyakio Munyinyi, RC Laikipia Highlanders, Nanyuki, Kenya Biological diversity is essential to human well-being. The more complex and diversified a trophic system is, the healthier the environment, and the higher the quality of air, soil and water. Africa has...
Our planet’s capacity to sustain human life is in dire danger. That’s a fact, and so is this: every Rotarian has the power to increase humanity’s ability to survive. Actions you take – from your kitchen to international summits – can help humankind return to...
ESRAG is proud to present this webinar on the breakthroughs now possible through Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration. Tony Rinaudo, Principal Climate Action Advisor for World Vision Australia, describes how a barren landscape can be restored by empowering and training...
By Francis Abner Abanilla, RC Metro San Pedro D3820 I serve as the School Director of San Lorenzo School in the City of San Pedro in Laguna Province, PR. Our school offers basic education from preschool to Grade 12, and was invited in 2019 to become a member of the...
A love letter from ESRAG’s Plant-Rich Diet Task Force We call her Mother Earth and she is our life support system. But our eating habits are stressing her to the point of collapse. This Valentine’s Day let’s show her a little love by leaving unsustainable animal...