By Karen Kendrick-Hands and Paul Riehemann ESRAG’s journey Paul Riehemann, Past President, and Karen Kendrick-Hands, Rotary Club of Madison, Wisconsin, U.S., District 6250, co-founded the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG), a journey that...
By Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor A Journey Towards Sustainable Solutions As farmers worldwide struggle to survive rising risks and costs, an American Rotarian is bringing his entrepreneurial expertise to their aid, and relishing the challenge. Lance Miller, a...
Restoring Food Security: The Efforts of APROSSA in Burkina Faso Editor’s note: Save the Children International warns that 1.4 million children in Burkina Faso will face critical levels of hunger this summer, a crisis forged from years of armed conflict and...
By Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor Combating Malnutrition and Poverty with Semilla Nueva’s Biofortified Seeds Trekking through the Guatemala highlands in his early twenties, meeting and listening to indigenous farmers, Curt Bowen was appalled to witness...
by Dwain Lucktung, Communications Manager, Sand Dams Worldwide Dedicated Rotarians all around the world and Sand Dams Worldwide are very proud to work together to promote peace, prevent disease, provide access to clean water and sanitation, enhance maternal and child...
Interest in plant-based diets is growing, in large part, because of concerns about climate change, other environmental impacts, animal welfare, and health. By Michaela Haas Originally created and posted on the Rotary International website. Consider your carbon...