Living Within Our Planetary Means

Living Within Our Planetary Means

Our planet’s capacity to sustain human life is in dire danger. That’s a fact, and so is this: every Rotarian has the power to increase humanity’s ability to survive. Actions you take – from your kitchen to international summits – can help humankind return to...
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Workshop Feb. 27 and 28

Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Workshop Feb. 27 and 28

ESRAG is proud to present this webinar on the breakthroughs now possible through Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration. Tony Rinaudo, Principal Climate Action Advisor for World Vision Australia, describes how a barren landscape can be restored by empowering and training...
Mining US homes and businesses for lithium

Mining US homes and businesses for lithium

Mass electrification demands more rechargeable batteries that require lithium and other rare minerals. Through ESRAG’s new lithium-ion recycling project, Rotarians are engaging their communities in a smart circular economy step to accelerate climate solutions. “The...