Lebanese Rotarians racing to reforest

Lebanese Rotarians racing to reforest

by Ariel Miller Lebanese Rotarians are racing to qualify for a global grant to plant a cedar forest on dessicated land on the slopes of Mount Lebanon this fall. The project will protect the region’s priceless biodiversity and boost eco-tourism.  Called Arztak Hawytak...
Exotics versus Indigenous Trees

Exotics versus Indigenous Trees

By Najar Nyakio Munyinyi, RC Laikipia Highlanders, Nanyuki, Kenya Biological diversity is essential to human well-being. The more complex and diversified a trophic system is, the healthier the environment, and the higher the quality of air, soil and water. Africa has...
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Workshop Feb. 27 and 28

Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Workshop Feb. 27 and 28

ESRAG is proud to present this webinar on the breakthroughs now possible through Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration. Tony Rinaudo, Principal Climate Action Advisor for World Vision Australia, describes how a barren landscape can be restored by empowering and training...
Saving Forests to Save Ourselves

Saving Forests to Save Ourselves

Here’s the good news: forests managed by Indigenous people in the Amazon region served as life-saving carbon sinks from 2001-21, removing the equivalent of the UK’s annual fossil fuel emissions each year, according to a new study by the World Resources Institute....