How You Can Reduce Plastic Pollution

How You Can Reduce Plastic Pollution

By Franz Müller, Chair, ESRAG Plastics Solutions Task Force Plastic waste is a big problem: it is considered the second biggest hazard after climate change for humanity. We created this problem, so it’s something we can fix. This article explains how YOU can...
Saving a River in Nairobi

Saving a River in Nairobi

by Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor The Lavington Eco Rotary Club is teaming up with the residents of an impoverished urban neighborhood to fight the scourge of water pollution in the river they depend on.  This powerful video  illustrates the situation this...

Rescue PCs and their vital materials

By Jorge Restrepo, Ballard Rotary Club, Seattle, USA I’m writing to offer a project that can make your club a boon for marginalized communities, low-income seniors, international service projects, non-profits, NGOs, and the environment. Here’s how...
Revive Your Club With Repair Café

Revive Your Club With Repair Café

By Ian Coult, Rotary Club of Godalming Woolsack, with support from Joy Poulter and Jenny Mason of the Rotary Club of Godalming Many wealthy parts of the world have lifestyles based on ‘buy-use-throw away’ economies which are doing enormous damage to the planet in...
Rotarians Discover Paths to Circular Economy

Rotarians Discover Paths to Circular Economy

By Jeff Smith, District Environmental Chair and PDG, D 7170 The Circular Economy is one of the six strategies charted on the ESRAG website under “themes.”  All six combine to build a holistic approach to environmental sustainability. We focus on each twice...
Aprendamos del 2023 éxito de ESRAG LATAM

Aprendamos del 2023 éxito de ESRAG LATAM

Por: Natalia Luque Sanchez, corresponsal latinoamericana de ESRAG El 5 y 6 de junio de 2023, se llevó a cabo el Simposio Latinoamericano de Medio Ambiente, organizado por ESRAG Capítulo Latinoamérica, en Ciudad Juárez México. El evento contó con una masiva...