by Natalia Luques Sánchez, ESRAG Latin America Correspondent By late March, forty Rotary Clubs and organizations from ten countries had already embraced the call from Ecuadoran Rotarians and nonprofits to achieve the biggest water clean up ever done by Rotary. The...
This Earth Day let’s break a Guinness World Record by participating in the World “Minga” for the water! Is your club or group planning to clean up trash on this next Earth Day weekend? That trash normally washes into rivers, lakes, mangroves and ends up in the...
¡Este día de la Tierra rompamos un Guinness Record la participar en la Minga Mundial por el agua! ¿Su Club está planeando una limpieza el próximo día de la Tierra? La mayoría de esa basura termina en los ríos, lagos, manglares, humedales y finalmente en el océano....
by Dwain Lucktung, Communications Manager, Sand Dams Worldwide Dedicated Rotarians all around the world and Sand Dams Worldwide are very proud to work together to promote peace, prevent disease, provide access to clean water and sanitation, enhance maternal and child...
By PDG Jeff Smith, District 7170 Environmental Sustainability Chair Rotary’s Seventh Area of Focus is an enormous undertaking. According to Bill Gates, in his recent book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, the transition to net zero carbon emissions will be the...
Our planet’s capacity to sustain human life is in dire danger. That’s a fact, and so is this: every Rotarian has the power to increase humanity’s ability to survive. Actions you take – from your kitchen to international summits – can help humankind return to...