By Dawn A. Byford and Kris Cameron, Co-Chairs of the ESRAG Plant-rich Diet Taskforce “Biological diversity — or biodiversity — is the variety of life on Earth in all its forms, from genes and bacteria to entire ecosystems such as forests or coral reefs. The...
by Ariel Miller, ESRAG newsletter editor Starting in 2019, a series of environmental disasters devastated the livelihoods of communities in East Gippsland, a rural region of Victoria, Australia for which farming, timber, and tourism have been economic mainstays. The...
by Marija Jevtic, MD, PhD, Rotary District 2483 Climate Ambassador If our planet Earth were to be viewed as an organism, it could be said to have become “highly febrile.” Human activities focused on industrial and economic development in the pursuit of material...
¡Este día de la Tierra rompamos un Guinness Record la participar en la Minga Mundial por el agua! ¿Su Club está planeando una limpieza el próximo día de la Tierra? La mayoría de esa basura termina en los ríos, lagos, manglares, humedales y finalmente en el océano....
By Nilam Bedi, PhD, ESRAG Cadre Liaison to The Rotary Foundation The accelerating impacts of climate change are driving increasingly urgent calls to action, with the goal of sustainable living at their core. Sustainability means living within the limits of the planet...
Our planet’s capacity to sustain human life is in dire danger. That’s a fact, and so is this: every Rotarian has the power to increase humanity’s ability to survive. Actions you take – from your kitchen to international summits – can help humankind return to...