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Pollution Solutions at ESRAG
How do pollution solutions benefit humanity?
Pollution of our air, water, and soil endangers human health and longevity. Some pollutants, like the particulates from burning wood and fossil fuels, are causing 12-15 million people each year to die prematurely. Other dangers come from the estimated 350,000 different types of man-made substances now on the global market, such as plastics, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and chemicals in consumer products, antibiotics, and other pharmaceuticals. These can take the form of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy (such as radioactivity, heat, sound, or light).
Learn more
Welcoming Nicki Clayton
Rotary International has named watershed expert Nicki Clayton as its new Area of Focus Manager for the Environment. She brings two decades of experience from the public sector, including breakthrough multi-sector collaborations which have given her a keen appreciation...
From Plate to Planet: How Plant-Based Choices Can Save the Earth
By Joan Marie Gagnon We hear it all the time: eat more plants; it’s good for you! But did you know that a plant-rich diet isn’t just good for your body—it’s also a powerful way to help clean up the planet? By swapping out some animal-based meals for plant-powered...
Tackling Pollution through Innovation ESRAG’s Plastic Solutions Taskforce in collaboration with EndPlasticSoup
Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, impacting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. In response to this global crisis, a dynamic duo has emerged to create a hub of innovation and action. Dedicated to reducing the use...
Take Action on Pollution
Rotarians are inspiring their communities and regions to implement many strategies that prevent or reduce pollution. Farming practices that use less fertilizer and pesticides reduce the runoff and algal blooms poisoning our drinking water. Clean cooking drastically reduce families’ exposure to particulates that ravage their health. Watershed cleanups spotlight how pollution gets to the rivers we depend on, catalyzing business and public policy solutions. Rotarians are helping to expand what can be recycled, and encouraging new product design to prevent plastic waste. Click on the thumbnails below to discover some of the inspiring Rotary projects your club or district can replicate!

Clean Cooking
To create awareness of, and to promote practical solutions for the need
to urgently transition to Clean Cooking.

Plastics Solutions
Leveraging the power of Rotary to develop a global network to rethink and influence how we create, use, and dispose of plastic.
Featured Projects
Projects surrounding pollution.
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which
all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”
― Jacques-Yves Cousteau
The harm caused by some man-made substances is already documented. Impacts can include genetic damage and cancer, reduced fertility, behavioral changes, birds starving because they have ingested plastic, antibiotic resistance, and breakdown of the ozone layer. We find these pollutants everywhere, including our own bloodstream. Science is warning us loudly: we need to decrease the use of pollutants and we need to clean up already contaminated areas.
Join with us to build out ‘Pollution’ as one of ESRAG’s key objectives.
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