by Laurie Zuckerman
Together we raised $12,552 ($7552 + $5000 matching donation). We surpassed our goal of $10,000. Now ESRAG can hire a part time Content Publisher and a part time Events Coordinator for 18 months!
What does this mean for you and your favorite ESRAG volunteers?
- Up-to-date knowledge on how ESRAG can connect to more people through events, publications, and social media
- Professional help to streamline our volunteers’ work
- Expert advice on interfacing our current information technology applications
In short, with their help we can inspire and empower more people to take meaningful action that addresses the urgent humanitarian crisis caused by climate change.
People gave other reasons, too.
Karen Kendrick-Hands donated in memory of John Mathers, Mike Cloutier and Jorge Aufranc, “John, Mike and Jorge all made significant contributions of their time, talent and vision to support ESRAG’s mission. We are indebted to them.”
Chuck Tomaselli donated in memory of Rick Mondi, “Rick had a passion for Mother Earth and nature. Hundreds of memorial trees have been planted in his honor. Thank you to his dad, Dr. Frank Mondi, the person who brought me into Rotary.”
Franz Muller donated in memory of Mike Cloutier, “This is made in memory of Mike Cloutier who was a great Rotarian and ESRAG member, devoting time and work to the organization. RIP”
Acacia Warren donated in honor of Jimmy Alcivar Arteaga
We received many kind comments about ESRAG’s work and volunteers including Caroline DeWitt, Michael Koch, Yavuz Atila, Tim Conners, Karin Tome:
- Many thank you’s
- Wonderful inspiration with efforts and work within ESRAG!!!!
- Thank you to all the volunteers that drive forward ESRAG.
Thank you for being part of the global movement to save our planet and humanity. Please share the Event Coordinator and Content Publisher position information.