Transforming lives and land with Sand Dams

Transforming lives and land with Sand Dams

by Dwain Lucktung, Communications Manager, Sand Dams Worldwide Dedicated Rotarians all around the world and Sand Dams Worldwide are very proud to work together to promote peace, prevent disease, provide access to clean water and sanitation, enhance maternal and child...
Rotarians fill huge need at Port Harcourt Airport

Rotarians fill huge need at Port Harcourt Airport

It will surprise you that neither the domestic nor the international terminals of Port Harcourt International Airport have lavatory facilities for non-travelers, visitors, commercial drivers, etc. inside the main airport halls.  The Rotary Club of Port-Harcourt...
Rotary scales up sanitation

Rotary scales up sanitation

by Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor “I have a dream on how Rotary can achieve impact and together we can change the future of third world countries. Can we talk next week and hopefully change lives?” Clayton Lee, Sacramento Rotary’s International Service Chair,...
Seven 2024 Pollution Solution Resolutions

Seven 2024 Pollution Solution Resolutions

By Laurie Zuckerman, ESRAG Director and Communications Chair Start the New Year right!  Choose one simple action that helps the air, water, or land. Eat more whole foods – grains, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables at home and at your club. It’s better for...
Central American Rotarians unite to save Rio Motagua

Central American Rotarians unite to save Rio Motagua

By Natalia Luque, ESRAG Latin America Correspondent What brought together many Rotary Clubs of Guatemala, Honduras and Belize, government entities of those nations, and more than 25 private companies in a common pact? The answer is a river with the largest watershed...
Share your circular economy or pollution projects

Share your circular economy or pollution projects

By Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor Please share your circular economy or pollution projects with ESRAG’s newsletter and social media to inform and inspire Rotarians worldwide. Our  December focus is circular economy. In January, 2024 we will highlight...