Climate Roadmap
Rotary members lead with solutions.

Climate Change is Happening Now
It is serious and life threatening.
Humans are part of the problem and solution. Those in developed countries contribute disproportionately to greenhouse gas emissions, so it is only reasonable and fair that humans act urgently to reverse it. We have solutions that align with Rotary’s Four Way Test.
The Four-Way test compels climate action.
Is it the Truth?
The science behind the climate crisis is clear, with agreement by an overwhelming majority of the world’s climate scientists. Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation support projects, “addressing the causes of climate change through the reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases and interventions in energy usage.” (Environment Guidelines for Global Grant Funding and ESRAG Climate Action Policy Statement).
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Take Action
Rotary has a presence in thousands of communities around the globe; Rotary members are often seen as community leaders and people of action. Our presence provides opportunities to provide leadership and inspire action to implement climate project and solutions.

Every Club Climate Friendly
Become a climate friendly and carbon neutral club before 2030.

Climate Projects
Find a climate related project in our project showcase.

Climate News
Find a climate related article in our news library
ESRAG’s Climate Roadmap
ESRAG strives to support the Rotary International Action Plan.
We are adapting to expand our reach and increase
membership through climate action.

Priority 1:
Increase our impact
ESRAG invites Rotary leaders to elevate the importance of working to solve the humanitarian crisis of climate destabilization in Rotary and beyond. We invite our leaders to create a Rotary Climate Task Force that elevates Rotary’s commitment to solving the humanitarian crisis of climate change.

Priority 2:
Expand our reach
ESRAG encourages Rotary’s partnerships with reputable international environmental organizations to leverage Rotary’s global network of community leaders and maximize Rotary’s impact on the climate crisis.

Priority 3:
Enhance participant engagement
ESRAG encourages Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs, Districts, and local community partners to reduce carbon emissions by creating campaigns with climate change themes. These include Nature Based Solutions, solar energy, pollution, and more. Through the Every Club Climate Friendly campaign, clubs can reduce their carbon footprint. Some of these projects can be funded by The Rotary Foundation. We are able to measure results with tools such as carbon estimators, million solar panels, and ESRAG’s iRotree.

Priority 4:
Increase our ability to adapt
ESRAG encourages the Rotary family to align personal, club, business, and Rotary investments with The Four-Way Test. Leading by example, ESRAG’s investments are now only with institutions committed to climate friendly technologies.
Become a Member of ESRAG
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learn more about environmental sustainability
and get involved.
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