RC of Shanghai 1.2 Million Tree Planting Project

Rotary Club of Shanghai Sustains Tree Planting Through Earth Day 2020
Keywords: Tree planting, Water, Sustainable economies, Desertification, Carbon-neutrality, Biodiversity, Agroforestry, Air pollution, Ecosystems, Forests – preventing deforestation, Endangered species
The Rotary Club of Shanghai plans to sustain 2017-2018 RI President Ian Riseley’s call to plant 1.2 million trees beyond Earth Day 2018. They have a plan to plant 1.2 million trees by Earth Day 2020, and would like your help! Planting trees is the perfect vision of what is best for the world from Global Citizens – Rotarians.
It is our big honor to invite PE Barry Rassin to plant the Friendship Tree per mockup photo in Shanghai Rotary Roof Garden in my building at 11:00 am sharp Sunday morning, May 13, 2018. Tree planting builds Sino US friendship relations. We are all in the same Rotary family. Let us keep doing the good and building the prosperity of all nations within same Rotary family in many different continents.
Regarding the 1,200,000 trees, the plan is to plant 1,000 trees in every one of Rotary’s 200 nations in the world. That is, 1,000 trees x 200 countries = 200,000 trees. A description of the plan with photos of the region is available here.
The Rotary Club of Shanghai is partnering with 27 clubs in China to plant one million trees in the upper streams of the Yellow River, the origin of Chinese civilization over 5,000 years old. I and our 27 Clubs in China would like to have your assistance to reach successfully our tree planting goal.
See the presentation with photos of the 6,000 trees already planted together with 70 locals in Wangshike Village, Guinan County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai, China
For your inspiration, we share these photos.
Trees have been around for about 370 million years, and as you can from see these incredible pictures, there’s a good reason why they’ve survived for so long.
Whether they’re growing in the middle of gale-force winds, on the tops of rocky platforms, inside concrete tunnels, or even growing out of each other, trees know how to survive in places that few living organisms can, which explains why the planet is host to around 3 trillion adult trees that cover an estimated 30% of the earth’s land.
Considering that plants produce the vast majority of the oxygen that we breathe, we should all think ourselves very fortunate that trees are as resilient as they are.
We wouldn’t even be here if they weren’t.
#3 This Tree Fell Over And Grew 4 More Trees Out Of Itself
#4 The Only Tree That Survived The Tsunami In Japan Between 70,000 Trees.
#5 Tree Of Life – Olympic National Park, Washington
#6 A Tree’s Root Spill Over The Sidewalk
#8 I Found A Tree Growing Through Speed Limit Sign
#9 This Tree That Refuses To Die
#10 This Tree Still Has Its Leaves Because Of The Light Shining On It
#12 Tree Roots Extend Across A Gap To The Mainland For Nutrients
#14 Ta Promh Temple In Cambodia
#16 My Grandpa Hung His Skates On A Small Tree When He Was Younger.
Forgot He Had Left Them There And Found Them Years Later
#17 A Tree Growing On Another Tree
#18 This Tree Is Growing Out Of Another Tree
#19 This Tree Grew Out Of The Stump Of A Dead Tree And Then The Stump Rotted
#20 A Tree Grows From Third Floor Window
#22 I Spent Ages Staring At This Tree Before Taking This Pic. I Hope You
Find It As Fascinating As I Did
#23 This Floating Island That Grew At The End Of A Partially Sunken Tree
#24 This Wooden Chair My Parents Bought Started Sprouting Leaves
#27 One Tree On My Street Refused To Accept Winter