Minga  Mundial por el Agua

Minga Mundial por el Agua

¡Este día de la Tierra rompamos un Guinness Record la participar en la Minga Mundial por el agua! ¿Su Club está planeando una limpieza el próximo día de la Tierra? La mayoría de esa basura termina en los ríos, lagos, manglares, humedales y finalmente en el océano....
Let’s set a Guinness World Record for water action!

Let’s set a Guinness World Record for water action!

After a week of overwhelming environmental news around the world, including record-shattering heat, terrible droughts, and forest fires, we feel hopelessness, uncertainty and sadness. I suffered feelings of deep helplessness this past week, as wildfires in my country,...
ESRAG nominates five projects for Earthshot Prize

ESRAG nominates five projects for Earthshot Prize

By George Spiteri, Rotary GBI Board The Earthshot Prize was launched by Prince William and The Royal Foundation in October 2020 to discover and help grow innovative solutions to repair and regenerate the planet.  Fifteen finalists receive a year’s fellowship and...
Transforming lives and land with Sand Dams

Transforming lives and land with Sand Dams

by Dwain Lucktung, Communications Manager, Sand Dams Worldwide Dedicated Rotarians all around the world and Sand Dams Worldwide are very proud to work together to promote peace, prevent disease, provide access to clean water and sanitation, enhance maternal and child...
Rotarians fill huge need at Port Harcourt Airport

Rotarians fill huge need at Port Harcourt Airport

It will surprise you that neither the domestic nor the international terminals of Port Harcourt International Airport have lavatory facilities for non-travelers, visitors, commercial drivers, etc. inside the main airport halls.  The Rotary Club of Port-Harcourt...
Rotary scales up sanitation

Rotary scales up sanitation

by Ariel Miller, ESRAG Newsletter Editor “I have a dream on how Rotary can achieve impact and together we can change the future of third world countries. Can we talk next week and hopefully change lives?” Clayton Lee, Sacramento Rotary’s International Service Chair,...