International Climate Youth Summit
Over 300 Rotaractors and youths from the Philippines and Hong Kong attended the summit.

Location/Club: Rotary Club of Taipo (RCTP) and Makati San Lorenzo (RCMSL), District 3450 and 3830, Hong Kong, Manila
The Rotary Club of Taipo (RCTP) in Hong Kong and the Rotary Club of Makati San Lorenzo (RCMSL) in the Philippines jointly organized an International Climate Youth Summit in November 2021 together with the Climate Reality Project.
Over 300 Rotaractors and youths from the Philippines and Hong Kong attended virtually online. Rotary leaders and international climate experts gave speeches on different aspects of climate change and PPE.
After the Summit, the youth participants worked in different teams to develop and present environmental project proposals to a panel of international judges. Participating clubs sponsored the development of the top six environmental and PPE projects by the youths.
The Rotary Club of Taipo (RCTP) in Hong Kong and the Rotary Club of Makati San Lorenzo (RCMSL) in the Philippines jointly organized an International Climate Youth Summit in November 2021 together with the Climate Reality Project. Over 300 Rotaractors and youths from the Philippines and Hong Kong attended virtually online. Rotary leaders and international climate experts gave speeches on different aspects of climate change and PPE. There was keen interest and questions from the participants.
After the Summit, the youth participants worked in different teams. They developed various interesting environmental project proposals. They presented these to a panel of international judges from the Philippines and Hong Kong. Six projects were judged to be the top proposals. RCTP, RCMSL and the Rotary Club of Makati Ayala Amity (RCMAA) jointly sponsored the development of these six environmental and PPE projects by the youths.
RCTP and RCMSL have agreed that they will jointly organize a new second International Climate Youth Summit on 6 May 2023 followed by a Climate workshop on 13 May 2023. They will welcome Rotarians, Rotaractors and youths from Hong Kong, Philippines, Mongolia, Macau plus different countries to join online virtually.